Let’s Get Started! I’m excited to meet. Before we set up a time, please respond to these questions to help us dig in right away. Be as candid as possible, and rest assured, I will keep all your information private. Name* First Last Email* Where are you? And what's your time zone?*How did you hear about this course?*Pilot Fire EmailsRSS FeedSomeone referred meWeb SearchOtherWho?How?The roles I give most of my attention:*What are the main you play with family, friends, at work and with others? Consider you roles around Money, Love, Creativity, Vitality, and Planning. For example, while I play many roles, I give most my attention as a Father, Stoker, Pilot, Writer, Mentor, Designer, Money Manager, Playmate, Connector, and Singer.Before I Die I want to ...*Is there one thing you'd set aside a lot of other things in your life to pursue? If so, then complete this sentence with that in mind: Before I Die I want to ....Where I need help.*What's the main thing getting in your way? Be specific. Dig in here and let me know where you are stuck and where we can get some leverage to unstick you.What's working?*Let me know where you feel mastery in your life, especially if that mastery helps you make decisions in other parts of your life.What would be your ideal outcome from meeting with me?*Is there something else you want to let me know before we meet? Δ