Look into the unknown future and make a wish. It’s one of the best ways I know to build a clear picture of what’s really important to you. And having that picture helps you focus on the present. Every year I gather with a group of friends, colleagues, and students in a year-ending-and-beginning ritual. Here’s a piece of it to try yourself. Consider each role you play, and finish the sentence starting “As a _____ before I die, I want to _____.”
Once you’ve stated the things you know you want to do in each role, go back and complete this clause “And this year I will ______.” This makes for the beginnings of a great Year’s Plan.
I write mine on 3×5 cards. My list for the coming year follows.
Before you read on about mine, please try this exercise and add one of your goals to the comments below. “Saying it out loud” this way can be very powerful. Be brave.
(2014 update, a Great Year coming)
I got walloped by death in 2013. There was my Dad’s near fatal heart attack, my only two aunts’ going down for the count, one of my best friend’s losing his fight with cancer, and then, my dear dear mother’s being released from her pain. Writing this makes me so freaking sad. I don’t want another year like last year. To consider anything else is like that joke: Besides that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
Yet, as I review my 3×5 cards from 2013 described below 2014 I notice some amazing things. As a Singer I did trust my teacher, and I sang in two operas! As a Father I traveled to a distant land with my daughter. As an Entrepreneur I didn’t make my business viable, but I did launch a new tool that people are using right now! As a Lover I held off, then started girl chasing anew. (More on that in 2014.) And as a Stoker, I did heal my sciatica, and I’m starting to run again.
It was a damn difficult and damn good year.
My List: March, 2014
A month ago I took a pack of blank 3×5 cards to the beach, sat under an umbrella, and dug in.
As a Pilot, before I die, I want to keep making a life I believe in, and this year I will keep putting these goals at the front of my attention.
As a Stoker, before I die, I want to get my body into another “peak physique,” and this year I will sign up and do a physically challenging event (or two) that requires intense training.
As a Father, before I die, I want to travel to another distant land with my daughter, and this year I will arrange for her to take a road trip with a friend of hers.
As a Homemaker, before I die, I want to have a place to work, eat, and sleep outdoors! And this year I will make a deck for a table and string up a hammock in my little garden.
As a Finisher, before I die, I want to have all three Pilot tools up and running, and this year I will resolve funding for the software development.
As a Writer, before I die, I want to publish a book about Divorce and Reinvention, and this year I will search for a collaborator.
As an Entrepreneur, before I die, I want the primary way I spent my time to be with a business I believe in, and this year I will refocus Pilot Fire on making money through a new course, subscriptions, and workshops.
As a Rich Man, before I die, I want to have “enough” money to abandon my Breadwinner role, and as an Ex-Husband, before I die, I want to show my ex-wife I love and respect her enough to set her completely free, so this year in both roles I will refinance my home to get her off of the loan.
As a Breadwinner, before I die, I want to make this role unnecessary by creating 3-5 passive revenue streams that don’t rely on my hourly earning (got 1), and this year I will grow 3 more: an online course, Pilot subscriptions, and updates to the font business I already have.
As a Lover, before I die, I want to come to peace with my compulsive need to intensely connect fast and frequently, and this year I will explore that shadow role in therapy and test my relationship to it with dates and lovers.
As a Connector, before I die, I want to connect 10,000 readers to Pilot Fire, and this year I will get articles into several popular publications.
As a Singer, before I die I, want to sing through my bridge with ease, and this year I will start performing sets of songs out in public again.
As a Friend, before I die I, want to celebrate turning half a century old, and this year I will host a celebratory concert benefit in which I get to sing with my lovely friends.
As an Artist, before I die I, want to bring Emeth Poon and the Stillings into the public light again, and this year I will keep my peace with his hibernation.
My List: January, 2013
As a Pilot, before I die, I want to make a life I believe in. And this year I will grow Pilot Fire into a viable business.
As an Artist, before I die, I want to reconnect to the sublime through symbols and dreams. And this year I’ll light a candle to the muse, the angels, the ghosts, and start painting again.
As a Connector, before I die, I want to build a vital community of people helping each other do things that really matter. And this year I’ll launch a tool that will help them do that, and take a tour with my goggles to get them started. (See below)
As a Father, before I die, I want to explore an unfamiliar, far away land with my daughter. And this year I will plan a road trip where she can drive us through unfamiliar lands.
As a Finisher, before I die, I want to know how to finish almost anything I start, and this year, I’ll finish 10 valuable attention management tools people can use!
As a Teacher, before I die, I want to give a Ted-like talk people really care about. And this year I’ll practice through my webinars and presentations.
As a Singer, before I die, I want to sing through my bridge with ease. And this year I’ll sing every day and trust my teacher will lead me there.
As a Lover, before I die, I want to make another go of it. And this year, I won’t chase women, at least before July.
As an Artist, before I die, I want to interview Laurie Anderson about failure, and this year, I’ll tell her.
As an Artist, before I die, I want to interview Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi about failure, and this year, I’ll tell him.
As a Homemaker, before I die I want to live in another country. And this year I’ll travel to one.
As an Entrepreneur, before I die I want to, build businesses that pay me enough money to do things I really care about, and as a Breadwinner, before I die, I want to always have enough money. And this year, I’ll make half of enough money through Pilot Fire.
As a Stoker, before I die, I want to take excellent care of this precious body. And this year I’ll heal my sciatica so I can run again.
Many of these goals were established six months ago in my Plan to Stop Sucking and Kick Ass.
The List I Made in June 26, 2011
As a Pilot, before I die, I want to make a life I believe in.
As an Artist, before I die, I want to see my play, The Stillings performed.
As a Son, before I die, I want to be with my parents when they die.
As a Father, before I die, I want to explore an unknown, far away land with my daughter.
As a Writer, before I die, I want to inspire people with my own passionate endeavors, the ways I’ve learned to take them on, and the inspired people who inspired me.
As a Singer, before I die, I want to sing through my bridge with ease.
As a Citizen, before I die, I want to help improve trust, respect, and collaboration between neighbors and police.
As a Stoker, before I die, I want to take excellent care of this precious body.
See how other Pilots are steering toward their dreams
How about you?
Write a comment about the roles you play, and what you want to do before you die.