It was one of the best and worst days. I don’t know why what happened happened. The thought of a day alone on the beach with my aspirations for the new year bubbling up in my stomach made me giddy. I grabbed the giant umbrella and lawn chair from under the stairs along with some almonds, an apple, a big thing of water, and my 3×5 cards. I got to Ocean Beach by noon. The weather was perfect.
By 1:30 I had my Before-I-Die’s done, and by 2:00 I was dozing hard, smiling softly to myself, and working up a giant headache that lasted another 30 hours
Still, I look at those 3×5 cards, and I think, this is going to be a great year. A Great Year Plan is your best shot at having a great life focusing on what’s most important to you; it’s not a checklist of stuff you have to get done.
Look at mine and tell me if I’m on track, and more importantly tell me what your plans are for a great year.