Throughout this site, the term “role” refers to the different parts we play in different situations. Our motivations, our goals, even our behavior can vary greatly depending on the role we play. In the Pilot Fire Simple System for Everything, designing a balanced, passionate life depends on learning about our roles and tuning them for our unique skills and interests. The power comes from understanding why we do what we do, pursuing what it means to be our best, and finding people who support us through their modeling, honest feedback, inspiration, collaboration, and love, especially when we fail.
Every decision, goal, every plan, every action we take is enhanced by our understanding of our roles.
As we grow in our roles, they become very powerful and help us:
- Focus on what is most important in every situation.
- Develop deep skills in areas that matter most.
- Achieve goals that give us purpose.
- Feel better about who we are and why we make certain decisions.
- Stay motivated.
To get started, try this simple exercise.