We come just after dawn. When resources are scarce, we attack the weakest of us, the deformed and outcast. We invaginate us, drenching our bodies with acid until we are unrecognizable. Then we eat us. We are hungry. We are literally starving. This is not only how we survive; it’s how we purge evil and stay pure.
Well, hello there!
You might have guessed that I’m describing autophagy, literally self eating. Try it. I’m going to. By eating ourselves and these 16 other tasty superfoods our Stoker can fire us up with clean fuel. It’s an easy way to stop sucking our vitality.
In my Plan to Stop Sucking and Kick Ass, one of my rigid rules is to exercise every day, but my nerves have been hurting like the dickens. It’s been a rough couple months with what I’m calling sciatica. I haven’t been able to run.
My Chiropractor and Naturopath aren’t willing to commit to that diagnosis. They suggest I keep stretching my Piriformis and adopt an anti-inflammatory diet which I am doing.
I decided I’ll try starving and eating myself, too. It’s not that complicated, and supposedly it’s the only proven way to extend your life. Cool.
Fasting Fast and Frequently
Fast for at least 3 hours before sleep. That’s the advice of intermittent fasting aficionados. It’s even better to go without food for 12-16 hours stretches. That’s when the process of autophagy kicks in, and, according to Dale Bredesen, Founding President and CEO, Buck Institute for Research on Aging,
“Your cells clean themselves [of] damaged mitochrondria, damaged protein and of course the beta amaloid that collects in your brain in Alzheimer’s disease.”
Fasting like this also helps balance your circadian rhythms. You sleep better.
My plan is to simply remember not to eat after 7pm and occasionally replace breakfast with a walk. No need to get hardcore. Read a balanced approach to this technique at Matt Madeiro’s now retired blog Three New Leaves.
16 Tasty Super Foods
Because they are extra dense with nutrition and rich with antioxidants, these 16 superfoods are much better for you than others, by far. I just ordered Rebecca Katz’s new cookbook The Longevity Kitchen (affilate link). As she puts it,
“These top 16 longevity foods contain an unparalleled concentration of powerful anti-oxidants, phytonutrients and anti-inflammatory compounds, to sweep the dangerous metabolic by-products known as free radicals out of the body. These are the ones to weave into your daily diet for health and long-term wellness. And are they easy to love!”
Here they are ready to cut and paste into your shopping list.
Chocolate (dark)
Green tea
Olives and olive oil
Salmon (must be wild)
Sweet potatoes
Read Rebecca’s excellent, short explanations of how great they are for you, and listen to Michael Krasny’s informative discussion with these experts on this episode of KQED Radio’s Forum.