With the first Pilots flying, it’s time to send them sweet smoke signals of support.
Diana Gameros knows what it’s like to ask for help and get it. Last year in the final day of her kick starter campaign she raised over $5,000 to exceed her $20,000 goal. She used the money to hire a studio, engineer, and orchestra to record her very first CD. I know it’s finished because someone slipped it through my mail slot last week. Her CD launch concert is November 28 and she could use some help, right away. You won’t regret it. She is one of the most giving people I know and your generosity will be paid back and forward. You can count on it.
Do you want to help her out? Go here and click Offer Help
George Winburn wants us all to have a better connection to the cycles of our precious planet so he went ahead and designed a chicken coop. With a jigsaw you can barrow from the local tool-lending library you can cut out all the pieces you need from a single $20 piece of plywood. He wants to get the instructions in the hands of anyone who’s the slightest bit interested in uban farming.
Do you want to help George? Go here and click Offer Help
Stu Snyder wants to be enlightened, no kidding! And he’s been to listening and learning and spreading insights through his yoga talks. Help him out.
Joel Zaslofsky is writing a book about curating your life. Help him out.
Emilie Wapnick is writing a book about multipotentialites. Cheer her on!
The pay it-forward thing works, sometimes in loops.
Last month I helped a brilliant Tango dancer fix up her website and she offered me lessons in return. I couldn’t picture roses in my teeth so I suggested she pay it forward, and within a week I was getting a massage from one of her students.
I like helping people who ask for it, and I really like getting money when I do. That’s sometimes how it turns around, but more often than we probably know, key advice, an important referral, or an extra pair of arms at the other end of the couch come fron the pleasure of interdependence, the complex unspoken social contract we have with each other to help out, all the time, without pay.
The Pilots of Pilot Fire are a special group. We help support the bravest of acts, taking the risk of saying out loud to strangers,
“This is so important to me I want your help. I want your encouragement, I want your knowledge, I want you to do something very specific, and I just want to not feel alone in my efforts.”
It’s just a few of us right now. You can join us. We’re growing. Go here, and look and find someone with a goal you want to encourage or a task you know you can support, click the Offer Help button, and get on their team.
There is absolutely no commitment. A friendly face is often all that’s needed. If you do want to kick in with some support, make suggestions about how you can do that. The options are endless, and the world gets a lot bigger and better when we know we’re in it together.
If you are already a pilot, ask for help in the comments below. Link to your profile. Let’s get this fleet off the ground.